How We Revealed Sugar As the Jerk It Really Is
Sugar has infiltrated every aspect of our lives, disguised as a reward. It’s ubiquitous and overpacked in food products, especially our snacks. Munk Pack bars are naturally sweet with only 1 gram of sugar. The brand and products were founded as a way to help empower people to stick it to big sugar and take control over their sugar count.
Our objective: Drive awareness and brand love by making Munk Pack a firebrand – adding mischief and fun to their crusade against big sugar and corporate snacks, turning them into a catalyst of the “Low-Sugar Movement.”
Munk Pack is on a mission to combat the health crisis caused by high-sugar foods.

Our Key Insight
People are waking up to the fact that they’ve been manipulated by corporate snack companies. That the snacks they thought were healthy and low sugar are the same old trash hiding processed sugar and putting their health at risk. They’re fed up – and truth be told, a lot of them want to break free. We made Munk Pack the snack that helps them stick it to sugar.
The Uncommon Solution
“Sugar Sucks, Snack Back.” In this campaign, we personified the annoying, often draining mental and physical effects sugar has on your body through our Sugar character and type-driven executions. With these 1g sugar snacks, Munk Pack is here to call out sugar for what it is and help people remove its soul-suckiness from their lives.
The Good We Grew
Whereas most brands default to keeping their messaging focused on their own products and attributes, Munk Pack seized upon the opportunity to stake out a more thoughtful and incisive brand position about sugar’s detrimental role in society – a conversation that ultimately shines a light on the “healthy snacking” category as a whole. The campaign brought that new position to life in ways both entertaining and engaging, enabling Munk Pack to separate from the crowded category of “low-sugar” snacks and truly own its position as the “anti-sugar snack.”